General Race Information
Date and Start Time
October 4th 2025, 8:00 AM.
Race bib pickup and check-in will occur from 6:30- 7:30 AM,
The pre-race briefing will occur at 7:50 AM
Start/Finish Location
The historic and remote Uravan Ballpark near Naturita, CO. Google Maps Location Link. Please try and bring your own water for the start (we will have water on course).
Important Disclaimer
This is NOT a road race. Even though some sections of the course are on buffed-out county roads and brief sections of pavement, the majority of the course is on technical two-track mining roads and single-track. This race is not recommended for beginners.
Early Pricing- $100 (until Sep 33d)
Later Pricing- $120 (Sep 4th- Oct 3rd)
About the Race
The Hanging Flume 50k is an ultrarunning trail race starting and finishing at the historic Uravan Ballpark, consisting of a large loop that runs primarily along engaging abandoned mining two-track and dreamy desert single-track. If weaving through canyons, skirting along slick-rock, reaching epic vistas, and then chatting and dancing with new friends afterwards puts a smile on your face, then this race is for you. The course is right near the confluence of the San Miguel and Dolores rivers, and explores the rarely-visited yet beautiful desert landscape of Southwestern Colorado.
Aid Stations
Distance/Cutoff time chart:
Aid Station #1 (4 mi): 9:10am/1:10hrs
Aid Station #2 (11 mi): 11:30am/3:30hrs
Aid Station #3 (14.75 mi): 12:30pm/4:30hrs
Aid Station #4 (20 mi): 1:50pm/5:50hrs
Aid Station #5 (27 mi): 4:00pm/8:00hrs
Final Cutoff/Finish: 5:00pm/9hrs
Drop Bags: No drops bags are available for this race.
Aid Station Food/Drink descriptions:
We will stock all our aid stations with standard aid station supplies (think fruit, sweet snacks, salty snacks, coke, ginger ale, etc.), as well as water and tailwind, think fruit, sweet snacks, salty snacks, coke, ginger ale, etc. Aid station 1 will have minimal food, but plenty of water. Use aid one as a restock of water if you need it. Aid station 2 will have a much more diverse selection of food and snacks including some hot food (probably potatoes, pancakes or quesadillas). Aid Station 3 will have standard supplies. Aid Station 4 will have hot food as well. Aid Station 5 will have standard supplies.
Safety Plan
Overview: Confluence Events prioritizes participant safety during the Hanging Flume 50k. All participants will be given a brief safety rundown prior to racing. Aid stations and race directors utilize radio communication to track racers in and out of aid stations, and stand ready to provide any medical assistance. Local Fire and EMS will be present at the race staging area and ready to assist any runners along the course. Ultra-trail running has inherent risks and Confluence Events seeks to mitigate any unnecessary risk during the event.
Time Limits: There will be a 9 hour cutoff time (5:00pm) for the 50k race.
Aid Station Medical: We will do our best to have a volunteer trained in First Aid at each aid station, which will be supplied with a first aid kit. For more serious issues, we will have a well-trained mobile medic with a more complex first aid kit within 30 minutes of every aid station.
Recommended Gear: Hydration and sun protection gear. Rain gear if forecasted. We are a cupless race
Parking and Aprés-Race Information
Please park inside the Uravan Ballpark on the South end, no parking on the Highway is allowed. We will try and have a volunteer directing.
The post-race scene at Hanging Flume is part of what makes this race special. Each racer and volunteer will get a meal voucher for our caterer and there will be free beer and sparkling waters (donations to the local trails nonprofit encouraged), non-racers can also purchase food with cash. This is a great time to meet some of the other racers, volunteers, directors and their families/friends! There will also be merch for sale. In the evening we will have some live music, and then a dance party into the night, all are welcome. Below are some photos of last year’s aprés scene for some context. We hope to share a beverage and some conversation with you!